
EMS delivers a small pulsating current to muscles. It causes muscles to contract and relax, encouraging blood circulation to promote healing. EMS is similar to deep tissue massage in a short time span to a specific area. EMS is used to treat soft tissue areas, increase blood flow, decrease inflammation, decrease pain, and break down scar tissue.

These are the two therapies in which you can use at home. Cold therapy is used on acute injuries that occur within 72 hours. Cold helps constrict blood vessels to decrease swelling and inflammation. Cold therapy should be applied for 15 minutes, 3-4 times for the first 3 days. Heat therapy helps increase blood flow and circulation to increase tissue elasticity and flexibility. This helps reduce muscles spasms and helps loosen tight muscles and joints.

Ultraound delivers high frequency waves to help increase the speed of healing a joint, muscle, or tendon. Ultrasound provides sound waves which creates vibration which helps increase blood flow and decreasing swelling, pain, stiffness, and spasms.